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Initial Spark Fund Due Diligence Requests
Use this
downloadable form
to plan out and save your responses.
When you are ready, record your final responses here.
Contact Info
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Your Spark Fund Project
1. Describe your team. Who do you consider to be the team members that will help you throughout this Spark Fund project period? Note that we’ll expect to speak with all of your team members. (about 250 words)
2. Describe your most impactful customer interviews. Which 3-5 people were your most important interviewees? Why were they so important? (about 500 words)
3. Provide more detail on the R&D plan you shared before. Based on the outcomes you are trying to achieve, what specific steps will be a part of your R&D plan? How long will each step take? What steps can be done in parallel? What supplies, equipment and contractors will you need for each step? If you have specific purchases or contractors in mind, please list them and include quotes or approximate costs you have. There will be discussion during due diligence, so you can collect these quotes later if you don’t have them yet. (no word limit – if it is easier, you can upload a document below for your answer)
If it's easier, upload a file here in answer to question 3!
Max file size: 20MB
Due diligence documents for us to review
Please upload the following:
A slide deck that contains the following slides you should have prepared throughout the I-Corps program; feel free to update these slides if you feel they don’t reflect your current knowledge (uploaded as a PPT or PDF)
Max file size: 20MB
Workflow map that shows how your customer “gets the job done” today
Max file size: 20MB
Ecosystem map that shows the different stakeholders you might impact if your product gets adopted
Max file size: 20MB
Market size diagram that shows your TAM, SAM and Target Market
Max file size: 20MB
A copy of the market research report you most heavily relied upon in estimating your market size (PDF)
Max file size: 20MB
If you have one, a file that reflects your current thinking on the most important competitive products; this can be a document, slide, table, graphic or list of weblinks – whatever you have that will help us understand your competition
Max file size: 20MB
Any publications, white papers or presentations that demonstrate your technology is feasible, scalable and/or likely to meet customer needs (up to 5)
Max file size: 20MB
Publications, white papers or presentations that demonstrate your technology is feasible: 2
Max file size: 20MB
Publications, white papers or presentations that demonstrate your technology is feasible: 3
Max file size: 20MB
Publications, white papers or presentations that demonstrate your technology is feasible: 4
Max file size: 20MB
Publications, white papers or presentations that demonstrate your technology is feasible: 5
Max file size: 20MB
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